Access to Canada
from $4 per month

Your online security starts right here!

Getting started is as simple as signing up for our services, choosing a subscription term, downloading your VPN client (for MACOS and Windows from within our secured support area, for Android devices by downloading the VPN Client from The Google Play Store, for IOS devices by downloading the VPN Client from The Apple Store, for Linux clients by downloading the VPN Client [OpenVPN] from your repository) and you'll be securely online within minutes.

Our VPN service will allow you access to Canada using Canadian IPs

We look forward to having your aboard.

Monthly (PAYG)

CAD$ 4 per month
  • Our pay as you go subscription is for the occasional user, it can be upgraded to an annual subscription at any time


CAD$ 40 per year
  • Our annual subscriptions will give you a 12.5% savings over a pay as you go monthly subscription

Featured Services

SMTP Services

Backup MX (SMTP) service

When your main mail server is down or unavailable, you can rely on us to accept and store your email until your server is again operational

DNS Services

Backup DNS (secondary DNS) service

We can provide you with redundant secondary DNS servers located in New York and  London, U.K. 


Ontario, Canada, L7G 5K3


.ca Tel: 1 905 873 4000
.uk Tel: 020 3355 0899
.uk Tel: 028 9099 6302
.uk Mob: 0774 5740 2204
.ie Tel: 048 2844 0050